An appeal to united nations - SHAFI MUHAMMAD BARFAT

An appeal to united nations and international

community to help my flood effected (sindhi) nation.

I also appeal to political leadership and Government of United States of America, British , Germany, France , India , Isreal,Afghanistan,Russia,African countries and all countries of European Union Arab world to immediately help of flood effected my ( Sindhi ) nation.
I appeal to Mr. Ban Ki – moon Secretary General United Nations and International Community.

The great land of Sindh which possess International logic and philosophy of International peace, welfare of human beings and various development programs. My nation strongly denounce the religious fundamentalism,religious terrorism. My nation is the promoter of secular valuers , harmony and human equality. It wants development of all nations without differences of color , creed, religion and race.
This nation is leaving no stone unturned therefore its liberty and freedom today my nation is on the Bank of devastation, catastrophe due to heavy moon soon rains, artificaial floods and conspiracy of anti Sindh agencies and inefficiency of the rulers . The basic infra structure of most of the areas of Sindh has destroyed, and having countless natural resources. My nation is compelled to live a humiliating life in tents and in the open sky under the scorching beams of sun.
I as a Political representative of Sindh nation appeal the United Nations and the civilized world to come forward in give a generous aid to the secular people of sind for there relief , rehabilitation and respectful life