G M Syed

 Fellow feeling and respect for humanity are the outcome of such efforts. These efforts brought into existence our cities and nations where men of different beliefs, sects, colors and races live. It is a different thing that narrow-minded and bigoted men keep on fanning the flame of hatred and continue to ignite the fire of dissension and disorde

Believe in love, toleration and fellow feeling, is not without hope, humanism will ultimately prevail. The eternally restless spirit of man will find its cherished goal. Thus, the human soul will find peace. This faith, belief, or hope is not based only on a pious wish, but also on the solid foundation of love which are not a relative term but a necessity

The nation of regarding the animals as good and evil subsequently led to the belief in lucky and unlucky stars and planets. At last, it created two great powers: ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’, ‘Right’ and ‘Wrong’, ‘Truth’ and ‘Falsehood’. The conflicting powers of ‘God’ and ‘Satan’, ‘Ahriman’ and ‘Yazdan’, born of such division of actions or attributes

In the books of anthropology, the good animals are called ‘totems’ and the evil ones as ‘Taboos’. Every clan selected its own totems and taboos. The result was that some animals, being regarded as good and evil in one clan, were not considered so in other clans

The primitive man considered himself perpetually insecure. Fear, despair and superstition dogged him. At last, he set about to get rid of them. He had two important problems: safety of life and satisfaction of mind and soul

The primitive man came across such animals in forests and rivers as the horse, the elephant, the rhino, the bear, the dragon and the crocodile. He regarded some hidden and mysterious powers responsible for his troubles and travails. Such powers, he named as genie, giants, spirits and devils

Now think of religion. Is any of the existing faiths older than four or five thousand years? Has any religion conveyed any information about anything on the origin of life and man? Has it revealed any truth about the, earth and the universe? Has it thrown any eight on the physical features of the earth and life?

How long human being has existed on earth? Scientists have given clear evidence of the fact that primitive man lived in forests and on hills as a brute. The early man had no idea of cultivation, rearing of cattle, use of fire or even of covering his body. He used to wander about naked

Gone are the days when truth about religion could, be known only through the revealed books, commentaries and traditions. In modern times, knowledge of religion has become a science

According to the theory of evolution, each age has brought about new revelations. In future, too, this process is likely to continue. Hence, to regard any religious or worldly law as final or any faith or doctrine as lasting is against the fundamental principle of the laws of evolution

Wisdom is acquired through continuous contemplation, knowledge, experience sublimation of self and action

The ocean of truth ‘is a collection of unlimited drops. The vast garden of ideas has borrowed its beauty from flowers of a million hues. This effort may be regarded as one such effort at garnering truth

 It is a fact that the Valley of Sindh has always been an island of tolerance for conflicting faiths and cultures

Formerly, Marvi was pining for her beloved, Khet. However, afterwards, in place of Khet, she began to remember her relatives and countrymen. Marvi was a native of Thar. Her love had centered round her people. My country is Sindh; my love revolves round my countrymen. This was a development of worldly love

 I began to devote my time to the contemplation of God. During the days of my renunciation and devotion to God, I perceived a new image of worldly love. My heart began to throb. I had been long in pursuit for that object. This time it appeared in the form of an ideology rather than an individual. It led me from unity to diversity

From the study of the influence of instincts on the evolution of human intellect and beliefs, it becomes clear how religions and superstitions have originated and how religion, through different revolutionary stages, has acquired its present form. If all these stages are critically analyzed

Science tells us that the primitive man had to face many hazards at every step. He found himself completely helpless in the face of the dangers the very thought of which frightened him. Fear of some objects had permanently settled in his mind. For example: sudden changes in Nature such as extreme cold or heat, heavy rains, floods, storms, earthquakes, volcanic, etc

According to the scientists, life has existed on earth for millions of years. The primary life consisted of’ amoebae, after which there came fish, creeping animals, birds, quadrupeds. Life, evolving through these stages, finally chiseled man into shape

I have a feeling that the orthodox will not like my ideas. It is possible that they may brand me either a renegade or a communist. Similarly, perhaps those young men may not be able to digest my ideas, which were exploited and misled in the name of conventional beliefs

The collective life of humanity, passing through various stages of evolution, is advancing towards its final goal, and this goal is the unity of thought and action

Man's material and spiritual development is not possible without creating a spirit of universal peace and tolerance

A genuine message, which can satisfy the urges of a human being, is that which is free from prejudices of race, color and religion. It primarily teaches the lesson of love. It -draws its sustenance, from the concept of brotherhood. A true faith is that which looks at man and his affairs and problems entirely from the humanitarian point of view

People of one nation or race, followers of one religion or sect, are fighting one another. The prayerful are bent upon exploiting and usurping- the rights of the weak. In this game of barbaric blunder, the preservation of life and property, dignity and honor appears to have become extremely difficult.

My findings may be regarded as personal conclusions of a truth-seeker. People have the right to agree or disagree with me, in the light of their own knowledge and experience. I do not claim a monopoly on truth. To err is human; and I am a human being

Sindhudesh: There will be no restriction on the teaching of materialism or Atheism also, so that human of religious thought and the non-religious people may fraternize and together work for the good of the country

All the inhabitants of Sindh irrespective of difference of religion will be integrated into one United awakened Sindhi nation, by systematically working for the removal of sentiments of bigotry, intolerance and hatred from among them on the basis of the teachings of the saint and mystics of Sindh

Some Indian historians say that during the days of Hajj (Pilgrimage) wearing of Ahram (the two un-sewn pieces of cloth), and during Hajj even killing of lice was not allowed. This was a custom of the Aryans. Jews used to speak in the Tamil language.

My findings may be regarded as personal conclusions of a truth-seeker. People have the right to agree or disagree with me, in the light of their own knowledge and experience. I do not claim a monopoly on truth. To err is human; and I am a human being

All the inhabitants of Sindh irrespective of difference of religion will be integrated into one United awakened Sindhi nation, by systematically working for the removal of sentiments of bigotry, intolerance and hatred from among them on the basis of the teachings of the saint and mystics of Sindh.

ome Indian historians say that during the days of Hajj (Pilgrimage) wearing of Ahram (the two un-sewn pieces of cloth), and during Hajj even killing of lice was not allowed. This was a custom of the Aryans. Jews used to speak in the Tamil language.

Now think of religion. Is any of the existing faiths older than four or five thousand years? Has any religion conveyed any information about anything on the origin of life and man? Has it revealed any truth about the, earth and the universe? Has it thrown any eight on the physical features of the earth and life? If so, can all these facts stand scientific scrutiny?

By associating the natural religion with one group, calling that group a nation, and confining it to some social customs is against the fundamental objectives of religion. Every man of firm faith and good character is loved by God, whatever his religion.

A genuine message, which can satisfy the urges of a human being, is that which is free from prejudices of race, color and religion. It primarily teaches the lesson of love. It -draws its sustenance, from the concept of brotherhood. A true faith is that which looks at man and his affairs and problems entirely from the humanitarian point of view.

People of one nation or race, followers of one religion or sect, are fighting one another. The prayerful are bent upon exploiting and usurping- the rights of the weak. In this game of barbaric blunder, the preservation of life and property, dignity and honor appears to have become extremely difficult.

Some Indian historians say that during the days of Hajj (Pilgrimage) wearing of Ahram (the two un-sewn pieces of cloth), and during Hajj even killing of lice was not allowed. This was a custom of the Aryans. Jews used to speak in the Tamil language.

Sindhudesh: There will be no restriction on the teaching of materialism or Atheism also, so that human of religious thought and the non-religious people may fraternize and together work for the good of the country.

My findings may be regarded as personal conclusions of a truth-seeker. People have the right to agree or disagree with me, in the light of their own knowledge and experience. I do not claim a monopoly on truth. To err is human; and I am a human being.

About the origin of this building (Ka'aba) there is a narrative that this was a temple of "SHIV" where "UNI" and "Lung" were kept, but subsequently most of the Arab tribes kept their favorite idols also, which was afterwards cleared by Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him and his progeny). The black stone (Hajre-Aswad) which was kept inside the "Ka'aba" was taken out and kept in one corner of Ka'aba.

All the inhabitants of Sindh irrespective of difference of religion will be integrated into one United awakened Sindhi nation, by systematically working for the removal of sentiments of bigotry, intolerance and hatred from among them on the basis of the teachings of the saint and mystics of Sindh.

Pirs, Mullahs, and Tribal Sardars are a great hindrance in the way of the progress and development of the nation. For correcting them, they will be temporarily deprived of rights of citizenship, just like non-nationals of Sindh.

They started torturing the immediate kith and kins of the Prophet. These relatives of the Prophet were the true successors of the spiritualism that Islam had in its fold. So, in utter violation of the spirit of Islam, these Arabs started practicing tribal traditions, customs and way of life. To all of it they started calling as "Shariat-e-Mohammed".